Actually, this is the first website that I started my internet marketing journey. I would say it is not a great start but did pick up a lot of learning experience from this site.
There are lots of areas that did not do proper planning for this site like keyword research, on & off-page SEO, etc. In the year 2020, I did try to fine-tune the site including improving the site speed, new themes, comparison tables and focus more on quality content.
A short summary about this website.
Domain Type: Newly registered .com domain
Started: Early August 2019
Monetize Methods: and Amazon Affiliates
As of 8 March 2021
Google Analytics & Search Console Stats in 2020:
Short Term Goals – 2021
These are the goals that I want to achieve for this project:
- To reach 200 posts
- To reach 400,000 words
- To achieve at least 10,000 monthly pageviews to qualify for Monumetric
- To accept by Monumetric
- To hit 10,000 monthly views in Pinterest
Long Term Goals for Project Leo
For this site, I would like to see this site have at least 1 million word counts at least and with a minimum of 1000 articles. Currently, have no intention to stop or sell in the long-term or in the next few years. I will try to be consistent to build this site with quality content, acquire good backlinks and may even focus improve the brand through social media channels.
Final Thoughts
This project will be a long one. And I will be doing a monthly update if possible to share the status like the number of articles uploaded, link building, earnings and the traffics stats.
Stay tune!