Where To Find Sort Code For Google AdSense Payment Account?

Where To Find Sort Code For Google AdSense Payment Account

Previously I have covered some of my tips on how to get your site to be approved by Google Adsense. In this article, I will be sharing where to find Sort Code when you need to create a payment account in Google Adsense for bank account verification.

This step is usually after your address verification is complete, they will actually send you a letter with a pin code. to the address that you registered in the Adsense account. You will simply just need to key in the pin code will do for the address verification part.

Please note my Adsense account belongs to Singapore and it will be more relevant for the bank account in Singapore.

For the payment method verification, I encountered issues like Google Adsense prompting me with errors like Account is closed. I am wondering what is sort of code means and hope this article will be useful and able to save you time and trouble as well.

Why Do You Need To Add A Payment Account in Google Adsense?

Once your Google Adsense meets the minimum threshold, Google will need to send you the payment to your bank account based on your payment method information. Therefore, this is a required step to verify the bank first after you key in the bank account information.

For Singapore, the minimum payout will be $150 and it will be better to set up your payment account before it hit the threshold. For myself, I set up my payment method when it is slightly over 50% of the threshold and I never expect I will be stuck at verifying my bank account for days because of the Sort code issue.

 Google Adsense Payment Threshold

What Do You Need To Add The Payment Method?

You will just need the following information, look pretty straightforward right with this 4 information only.

  1. Name
  2. Bank Code
  3. Sort Code
  4. Account Number

B41- Google Adsense - Add PAyment Method

So where do I get the Sort Code?

I saw this information in the community, the user is also based in Singapore using the first 3 digits of the bank account number. Actually, it doesn’t work for my POSB account and prompted me Account is Closed error.

According to POSB & DBS Bank, it seems like POSB ‘s branch code is the first 3 digits, so I tried using 081 instead. And for a DBS bank account, the sort code will be your first 3 digits of your bank account number.

You can refer to the POSB site here.

B41 -Sort Code for POSB and DBS

How long will it take to reflect the test amount that Google deposits for verification?

It will usually take about 2-3 working days to reflect the amount. For myself, it took about after 1 working day to receive the deposit amount since I initiated on Sunday.

B41- Google Adsense - Google Test Deposit

How Can I Do The Verification?

You can go to Payment -> Payment Info and select manage your payment method again. Click on Verify.

Google Adsense - Verify Payment Amount

Enter the amount that you received from Google. In my case, it will be 0.20 and click Verify button to confirm.

B41- Google Adsense - Enter Test Amount

So once the verification is completed, it no longer shows Verification pending status for your payment method.

Bottom Line

Hopefully, this article will help you to clear all the question marks when searching what is the sort code for your bank account. Do note that this article will be more relevant for Singapore Adsense and Bank account.

B41 - HB

A man of many hats! A husband, also a son, and most importantly a father too! Am trying hard to learn & make a stable living with just a laptop.

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